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Immigration Law

Immigration law is the set of rules which regulate issues relating to migration, such as entry, stay and work of third- country nationals in Greece, the acquisition of Greek citizenship and the removal of non- complying individuals from the country.


In Greece, Immigration Law, like most legal norms, is directly affected by the country’s membership to the European Union and the existence of specific provisions for the citizens of member- states, which regulate the movement of people inside the EU territory, and with which, every member- state must comply.


In this Era, characterized by the systematic movement of people, both within the European Union and towards it, the changes to the provisions relating to migration are frequent, deeming the use of an experienced lawyer necessary.


The lawyers of Legality have extensive experience in dealing with the following issues:

  • Issue / renewal of residence permits to third- country nationals, for employment and occupation, exceptional and humanitarian reasons.


  • Issue / renewal of residence permits due to strong ties, but also to 'second generation’ immigrants to third country nationals, but also according to the family reunification provisions.


  • Issue / renewal of residence permits in accordance with the provisions of EU law.


  • Counseling in relation to cancellation disputes with the relevant authorities.

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