Corporate Law
Corporate law is the body of laws governing the function of business corporations and the relations between its shareholders, directors, creditors and employees. In addition, it governs the impact and the role of a business with the community, the consumers and the environment within which a company operates.
Moreover, Corporate Law, is also referred to as Company Law, although the latter covers a wider spectrum. Companies are legal entities created through the laws of each state and may take several different forms, such as Corporations, Partnerships, Limited liability Companies etc. Each type has different rights and responsibilities and may have a significant impact on how the business functions in the future.
Our Attorneys have a deep understanding on how companies operate, the issues that often arise and the challenges that they face in today’s markets. Having extensive experience and a wide professional network of associates, we are at hand whenever you need us. Our services cover:
Choosing the suitable legal form that is best suited for your kind of business, your goals and objectives.
Corporate Finance related issues, covering shares and share capital, liquidations etc.
Mergers and Acquisitions
Proceedings relating to the nomination of proxies and tax representatives for companies established outside Greece, but with the intention of operating within Greece.
Dealing with issues arising between shareholders.
Advising Directors on their duties and obligations, such as those of good faith, duties of care and skill to secure the interests of the shareholders etc.
Handling of litigation proceedings between partners or members of the same company, as well as, against third parties.
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